Serving the Lord.

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Daily Reflections :2015-05-21

What I find in Christianity  is a large number  of  hurt persons,  coming together in  relationships and marriages  with persons who are hurting, and the  result  is this, hurt persons  who  are hurting, hurting  each other.

Lets face facts that as humane,  Christians or non Christians  we all  have basic needs  and  the need  to be loved ,accepted  and to have sexual gratification or fulfilment rank high  on most  humane lives.
The Bible talks about being unequally yoked and  if one  looks at  statistics  and findings of many counsellors,one realises    that many who are getting married are unequally yoked and their tolerance level  and inability  to  sit down and work through basic problems  is almost  non existent.
What  is mind-boggling   to me is the  high percentage of infidelity  in marriages  where  both men and women early  in the marriage or relationship  have affairs ..
The  question I  want to ask is this  are  many putting themselves  in relationships  because of  Love,  Lust,because  they are compatible with the person,  for financial gains, benefits or  for reasons  that only  the individual  can fathom?
What  has  also  caught my attention are  the many marriages that have ended same day,  the next day, a week, a month,  a few months, the first year, the second year etc, …
What has been catching my attention   is the increase   of infidelity    in churches where married men and women    are  getting involved  with persons who are married.
One sad case is the case where an assistant  pastor opened  his wife flash drive  to see  his pastor  and wife engaged  in sexual  activity which they had   taped.
The  bible speaks clearly  against  adultery  and fornication…It beseeches  in  Exodus 20 :16-17
16“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. 17“You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbour.”
We all will  face some  form  of temptation in whatever  form….
Satan role  is to tempt us,  to put thoughts  in our minds ,to  get us to act on them…
The  Bible  says that as a man  /  woman thinketh    so  is he….
If our thoughts are lustful, of anger, unholy  etc,satan will keep sending temptations our way,until we fall….
I want to share a  video  of a  Pastor  who  had what many thought was a  great ministry in Uganda ,but who had issues  relating to women ,lustful,thoughts and fantasies ,and how  God  dealt  with him, and brought him into a  position, that  God could really use him….
God  wants  to  clean  persons  up,  so he  can use  us in a mighty  way.
May this reflection  and video  minister to you in a  powerful  way…
Listen  to  John Mulinde message……..
Sir  Guy  Fireworks.
7.50 am.